Thursday, December 31, 2009

Who is more godless than I, so that I may rejoice in his teaching?

The creator seeks companions, not corpses or herds or believers. The creator seeks fellow-creators, those who inscribe new values on new tables.

The creator seeks companions and fellow-harvesters: with him everything is ripe for harvesting. But he lacks his hundred sickles: so he tears off the ears of corn and is vexed.

The creator seeks companions and such as know how to whet their sickles. They will be called destroyers and despisers of good and evil. But they are harvesters and rejoicers.

Zarathustra seeks fellow-creators, fellow-harvesters, and fellow-rejoicers: what has he to do with herds and herdsmen and corpses!

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, "Zarathustra's Prologue"

As a new year sits on the threshold, fresh and glowing, we reminisce on the Taco Fridays of the past 365 days. Remember the time when someone drank so much that they only spoke lies, terrible lies? Or when we thought that there was no more tacos but, no, there were actually more tacos? These moments and many others, which are held secret and desperate and dear like the photos of former lovers we hide in our wallets, keep our tiny hearts beating despite the cold and the terror of realizing that we have woken up.

I thank all who ate tacos with me for doing so, and doubly those who drank bourbon to boot. The first Taco Friday of the 2010 is right around the corner. We will use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a themed event. More information will arise I flesh out this idea. Mark your calendars, friends; Friday, January 29th will be "re-gretable." You will be able to gret it at least twice.

Monday, December 21, 2009


I remind you, dear reader, that state-sponsored Taco Fridays are adjourned until after January 22nd. I, too, am deeply saddened.

And yet, all hope is not lost! Despite being the handsome, winsome torchbearer of Taco Friday, I admit that I am not its fire and source. Taco Friday is about fear and its destruction, but not just those fears with which you wish to part. All walls crumble, even those which bear structural loads. That being said, if during this holiday downtime someone wants to host Taco Friday, they are joyously welcomed.

Until such time!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Here is that thing, though

- 1/2 tablespoon maple syrup
- 2 dashes bitters
- 2 oz. bourbon
- a splash of sparkling water

Add maple syrup to a glass full of ice. Add the remaining ingredients. Stir with the tiniest wisk, serve.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is what we do


These pictures are only as rude as the people in them.

BACK into the saddle

Taco Friday for Friday, December 18th

FOLKS, we're going to have a third consecutive Taco Friday. This is the last in the "Return of Taco Friday" series. I know you're all tuckered out, but this is not about you; it's about me, and my desires, and my crippling fear of being alone for even one night. Be my surrogate family.

Again, please let me know if you will attend. I assure nonsense, shenanigans, situations, and a plurality of embarrassments. Will one of these embarrassments be yours? You'll have to find out.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


** LIVEBLOG 11DEC2009 **

Alright so that was laughable. We all knew that I have no decisions in my heart and that I would rapidly give up. It was funny, yes, and the one person (me) who read this tacoblog between the last post and this one was expecting live, unfiltered content of Taco Friday. I apologize, but not in a way that is meaningful.

Let's not name names, but someone demanded ( Editor: it was me, no one demanded this - ASB) to see an awful thing. I warn all folks of decency and standards not to view it. It is awful. Nothing gainful can be obtained from it. Do not scroll down if you care at all about things.

I remind you that we all make decisions.

Friday, December 11, 2009


** LIVEBLOG 11DEC2009 **

Here at Taco Friday, we're committed to giving you the best, every time. To that end this we will be LIVE BLOGGING, yes, LIVE BLOGGING this shit. That means that I will post events which are seemingly insignificant, in significantly more than 140 characters. Let's get this rolling.

7:02 pm - sitting here writing on the internet. Whitey is one of my tallest friends, but not the tallest. Unless he is dead or no longer my friend, this is accurate and permissible for a "live blog event." WE CHECK IN LATER.

Note: I will get bored of this almost immediately.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rap music, my droogs

The above scene is taken from Achewood. It depicts a five-year-old otter, who has been lied to by a robot that this technique is a form of break dancing. It's a metaphor?

Tacos for Friday, December 11th, 2009

We did it, man. We did it. Miraculously there are tacos for the second week in a row. This hasn't happened in as long as it's been since I realized that some of my friends don't want to drink whiskey and eat tacos every single Friday. I don't understand it, no, but I did realize this.

In short, there will be a Taco Friday on December 11th, 2009. Same Taco place, same Taco time. There is no theme beyond the ordinary, which is to say that fear is a dead thing and we are also dead things, but should not be afraid.

Please confirm with the host that you will attend Taco Friday because this is the internet, I have no way of knowing.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A beautiful thing


We have found Taco Friday hiding in a tiny cave. There, it lived on cave water and cave fungus. Cave bats were its only friends, and cave bears have no good idea of what a bathroom should be, or where it should be. In such conditions, can you expect anything less than bestial survival behavior? When brought back to civilization and its light, Taco Friday quickly returned to its old self, suggesting in a way possibly too friendly for some that they drink more whiskey and do not ever ever leave. All is well... OR IS IT?

It is. Taco Friday can be expected at regular interval without unexplained hiatuses. This "blog" will be its torch, and that old Facebook group? Pfft. Just as the crab sheds its shell to grow to fantastic sizes, so too does Taco Friday shed its "shell" to become bigger, mightier, and crabbier. Welcome, dear reader, and in a way, congratulations.