Wednesday, December 16, 2009

BACK into the saddle

Taco Friday for Friday, December 18th

FOLKS, we're going to have a third consecutive Taco Friday. This is the last in the "Return of Taco Friday" series. I know you're all tuckered out, but this is not about you; it's about me, and my desires, and my crippling fear of being alone for even one night. Be my surrogate family.

Again, please let me know if you will attend. I assure nonsense, shenanigans, situations, and a plurality of embarrassments. Will one of these embarrassments be yours? You'll have to find out.


Whitey said...

No. I bought a cake and a video camera and I have plans for the night that are completely unrelated to those recently purchased items.

A weekly celebration said...

Whitey if you have been running an ice cream company this whole time and failed to tell me, I will be very disappointed.

If you need someone to film while you art-fay on akes-cay, let me know. I "know a guy."