Saturday, February 13, 2010

do i make mistakes in my sleep

Taco Friday: Friday, February 19th

Fully caffeinated, we're back in the saddle. Taco Friday is coming up, and you are warned a full six days in advance. I would usually use this opportunity to describe the next Taco Friday theme, but alas, there is none this week. Just regular nonsense, fueled with the boredom of the past five days and also whiskey.

For those of you who are new to Taco Friday, I am not going to spoil the fun by telling you what the deal is; you've got to find that out on your own. However, I will say that though you may think it so, it is improper to say that the universe is a cruel place; cruelty implies intention. Instead, the universe is as vast in scale as it is in meaninglessness. There are two common reactions to this fact. One of them is Taco Friday, and the other is suicide.

Taco Friday offers not only food for the body, but food for the soul.* Also there is whiskey.

* Souls aren't real things.


Jezzica said...

Do you know about Madame Verdurin? You should; you are her reincarnation.

A weekly celebration said...

I do not, and even a google search yields very little. You'll have to tell me on.... DA NA NA-


Unknown said...

I instead will take the third path between the nihilism of taco friday and suicide, and this is to come up with a religion that helps to bridge the gap between the existential crisis of meaningless in a vast universe and my own feelings of self-importance. I will create some sort of omniscient and ominous yet unseeable force, but I will give it a human face to make it less threatening. That will bring a modicum of order to the universe. And then I will tell people to chill out, and that will limit the self-importance. And this will differ from every other religion in no distinguishable way.

There, I commented on your blog, a-hole.