Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Taco Friday for Friday, October 22nd


Think of the best moments your life has to offer. Think of the times where the glory surged in you and you were singular in that moment, content. Think of how the next day, you felt a catharsis like the melting of ice on top of the river, revealing in small holes the rushing, thoughtless, steel flow. There is indeed a greatness in the world, and you amongst the rabble have personal evidence of it.

Now, think of the times that never again float to the surface. Perhaps you ate a microwaved burrito and watched Two and a Half Men. Maybe you returned a phone call to a friend you dislike in order to avoid appearing unpersonable. When you got home from work and ate some leftovers, then took a nap until 8:30 pm. Though you can't remember these insignificant minutes and hours, you know that that they must have occurred. Whatever the case may be, these are moments not to be considered good. They are, at best, neutral events and at worst are wastes of the small ticks of the one-handed clock that is your life; it only goes around once.

Taco Friday is shining salvation in a sea of wasted time and steps to the grave. Today, right now, you are being presented with the gift of memory and value. Rejection is tantamount to acceptance of failure, normalcy, and loss. Do the right thing.

Also R.S.V.P.S.V.P. ok?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"... I will show you fear in a handful of [tacos]." - T.S. Elliot

Thank you for drinking my booze, eating my tacos, and making my place a stinky mess. My feelings always fluctuate between madness and joy when I see what the hell happened in my kitchen. A chair surrounded by hair. A bloody rag. Whipped cream everywhere. Beers bottles enough to make the homeless salivate. Pokémon everywhere. Somewhere amongst the detritus is the corpse of a good night, but I need to find it before it rots.

As a WAY HEADS UP, there will be a Taco Friday next week on Friday, October 22nd. If you're going to ever attend one T.F. LET THIS BE IT. Out-of-towner and former/current legend D.J. Darlin' Darwin will be here and it will be horrible. It will be so bad and you can't ever say no. Keep that in mind, okay? It will be, as in the new vernacular, "epic."

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Aw yeah. In case the previous post was not obvious, tomorrow is indeed a...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Phantom Of The Taco

Taco Friday for Friday, October 12


Thank you for watching that in its entirety before moving on to the next paragraph. Listen, I don't like you any more than you like me, but it's time we put our differences aside so that, finally, we can have ONE FAMILY THANKSGIVING WITHOUT A BLACK EYE. God. I really do hate your brother-in-law. Have I ever told you that? Ugh. The guy looks like Pirates of the Caribbean meets Two and a Half Men. Gives me the willies.

How about we throw Thanksgiving at our place this year? It'll be so much easier. No traveling, no packing, and everyone has to feel obliged to you. Just make your famous Taco Turkey (a pile of tacos from Taco Bell, affixed with bobby pins to look like a turkey) and everyone will line up at the door for a chance at the drumstick ha ha ha it doesn't have a drumstick; it's made of tacos.

What do you say? The kids will LOVE IT.