Tuesday, January 18, 2011

horrible taco thoughts [I]

I assure you, dear readers, that I am no good. I can't even say that I wanted you to engaged in remotely positive behavio[u]r. I want you to be the worst/best that you can be, raging as an enraged and simply furious tornado of human filth. I want you to express and then dissipate, happily, as fog subliming from an unusual winter day. I want whatever you find at your terrible core to bloom.

We. Are. Reasonable. People. What if you offend me? What if you do me wrong? My forgiveness transcends even your apology. "I forgive you what you did to me; but that you did it to yourself - how would I forgive you that?" Find it in yourself to forgive yourself; that is our maxim. Participant of joy, steady your trembling hands. Taco Friday absorbs your desire and melts it with the desires of others, into the molten mess of our shared experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son is back in town, he is coming and it was his ??th birthday this week. so have ?? candles ready