Sunday, August 7, 2011

An ostensibly taco-themed gathering, featuring bourbon

Friends, Somervillians, greater Boston area residents, lend me your ears; I come to bury Taco Friday, not praise it.

HAHA SIKE, sort of. I hella come to praise it, but the day of Taco Friday is already lit by a dying sun. The final Taco Friday to take place in Somerville - under my watch, at least - is coming and coming soon. Mark your calendars for Friday, August 12th. Bring out your black suits and veils. Spare no expense on lilies and white roses.

How you do celebrate the death of an event which is primarily about celebrating that we are living dead things? It gets a little foggy, so we can never really be sure, but if I were a gambling man I would bet on drinking so much bourbon that you can't stop lying.

A new day of Taco Friday will dawn [Likely in September, for those who can't deal with uncertainties. Looking at you, T.N. - ed]. The pale blue cast of dawn will illuminate the mussed hair of whatever mistake is sleeping next to you, and you will be presented with brand new decisions to make. This will be one hell of a fiasco, so don't miss it. RSVP.


Anonymous said...

Stupid medical tests!!! Sry can't go.


Jezzica said...

Sara, that Pika-pup was MOST special.

I have to write four papers in between now and Friday next so you bet I'm gonna kill me some brain cells at this party! I'm looking forward to medicating our TF-Somerville termination anxiety, Kate's 30th anxiety, your moving anxiety and my graduation anxiety with lots of bad medicine.

Also, you should demand that people write speeches.

Anonymous said...


sppeeches from all are required I hear.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash! I WILL be there and bringing a very special surprise with me.