Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I never got around to clarifying the letdown that was part three of my Taco Friday rebirth posts. Some people (Dub T. Snickers) rightfully got upset about the lack of conclusion, or at least the lack of a salient point after 2000 words of moody taco thoughts. Allow me to "set the record straight."

I thought of myself as a sort of guide to the incandescence of Taco Friday, the same sort which led to many punches and punch threats and dick insults and accusations of non-human parentage and "pornography," etc. That special feeling of fostering unrefined ego was, to me, the core of Taco Friday; I have no idea what you think is/was important. I still hate gods and yearn to kill them and I still want to bring people into my home to eat food and rejoice in an abundance of love but I am not going to try to bring you along for the ride if you don't feel it in your unthinking meat heart. To wit:

I think we are now marking the end of the era of such tragic monkeyshines. The Prologue is over, friends and neighbors and relatives. Let the main body of our noble work begin.

            - Kurt Vonnegut, Slapstick
With that, I also invite you to celebrate once more in tacos with me this Friday, April 26th. "This is happening." As always, RSVP by email, telephone, or by posting right here. If you RSVP less than three hours before showing up you explicitly give up your right to decline to wear a hat of my own design.

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