Monday, April 5, 2010

Tacos Risen

Taco Friday for Friday, April 9th

Last Taco Friday was such a complete success/mess that it's taken me this long to get back into the throne in which I sit to write these dispatches. Thanks to everyone who came, especially the new folks. This throne, by the way, is not a metaphor. Ask Me About My Throne; No, It's Not My Toilet.

This complete exhaustion that sometimes follows Taco Friday reminds me that my friends and companions are like leeches that drain the little precious vitality that I have. You, reader, are like a parasite of the best sort. The liquor that we drink is my blood, which you somehow digest into friendship. If we follow this analogy to its logical conclusion, you use the friendship that you draw from me to spawn your fiendish vampire worm offspring. No, I'm not deleting this paragraph; we're just going to play it fast and loose.

If it's not clear from this, I am inviting you to a Taco Friday this week. This week's affair will be more like the days of yore. Not quite like the days of yore, but basically this means that T.F. will be slightly less elaborate than the more recent days. I'm going to make you tacos, and then, I am going to drink so much that I lie through my liar's teeth. Sorry, or, you're welcome.

Please let me know what up.


Anonymous said...

eat of this taco, for it is my body. drink of this whiskey, for it is my blood.

AB = JC !!

tacofriday caused a chance meeting in midtown manhattan yesterday. tacofriday is going global.


Anonymous said...

I completely disagree with that equation. AB = Lucifer. In fact, I have a picture right here to prove it.

The resemblance is striking.