Saturday, October 16, 2010

"... I will show you fear in a handful of [tacos]." - T.S. Elliot

Thank you for drinking my booze, eating my tacos, and making my place a stinky mess. My feelings always fluctuate between madness and joy when I see what the hell happened in my kitchen. A chair surrounded by hair. A bloody rag. Whipped cream everywhere. Beers bottles enough to make the homeless salivate. Pokémon everywhere. Somewhere amongst the detritus is the corpse of a good night, but I need to find it before it rots.

As a WAY HEADS UP, there will be a Taco Friday next week on Friday, October 22nd. If you're going to ever attend one T.F. LET THIS BE IT. Out-of-towner and former/current legend D.J. Darlin' Darwin will be here and it will be horrible. It will be so bad and you can't ever say no. Keep that in mind, okay? It will be, as in the new vernacular, "epic."


Snax said...

I am proud to have been part of this evening. I feel that everyone behaved terribly, and those that didn't left early.

Kate said...

Hear, hear