Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Taco Friday for Friday, February 18th

YOU ASKED FOR IT, and boy did you get it (nothing). This Friday marks the first of two consecutive Taco Fridays featuring special guests. For whatever reason other people "wanted" to "come" to "Taco Friday." Do your best to show them the kind of welcome that you would like to be shown (urine), or better yet, drink a Four Loko with them and yell and cry and feel bad and get punched.

RSVP or else I will have to resort to evites.


Flannery said...

I'm only coming if I can wear a crown with a spotlight following me around and people call me Guest Star all night...Jessica promised me this [in my dreams] so I fully expect it.

A weekly celebration said...

The (previously) unspoken standing Taco Friday rule regarding crowns is that you can always wear one if you bring it.