Friday, May 4, 2012

My Other Horse Can't Eat Horseradish, Either

Taco Friday for Friday, May 11th

People have been talking. People have been saying, "update your goddamned blog, we crave newness." Hark, you have not been abandoned like so many gross pigeon toes in the urban landscape. Your presumed favorite ostensibly taco-themed Friday happening is here to stay, with the next installment planned for one week from today.

What have you missed in the intervening month of wasted and used-up Friday nights? Well, for starters:
  • J. "D.S." G. enjoyed a short-lived celebrity after a video of him punting mangoes like footballs went viral.
  • A.B. found what appeared to be a blackberry under his big toenail, but it turned out to be a subungual haematoma.
  • You all learned how gross subungual haematomas are after Googling that term.
Come, then, and eat tacos with others. Also, use the next week to reflect on Taco Friday. Think of how it has helped break the binds of fear, how it has made you a more powerful individual. As always, RSVP or you're dead to me.

1 comment:

The Snax said...

This blog does not deserve to be bookmarked! Screw this blog! I demand NSFW pictures and upsetting puns! Don't make me start my own blog called just to satisfy this need/ruin the reputation of a person I like.