Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There is a balm in Gilead

Taco Friday for Friday, December 3rd

Lo, ye barren and hopeless. In these economic times, no one knows what could be around the next paycheck.

Try as we may, humor only dulls the guillotine of waking. That is why there is bourbon. Come then and "enjoy" an ostensibly taco-themed "party." Whoooo knows what the night will bring. You know the drill. There will be (a) prize(s).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thank you, you are horrible

As I was going through the pictures from last Friday, I was shocked and upset that none of them were "safe for work." Every single picture that was in focus featured no less than ten square inches of T.N.'s midriff. This story has a silver lining, however (especially for those who want to pay me for pictures of a certain someone's midriff):

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Now you "no"

Taco Friday for Friday, November 12th

Here is a thing, you're welcome. I know it keeps you comin' back for more.

Let's "get down to brass tacks." I know you like getting yelled at, and you know that I can't stop that from happening. It's a win-win situation. Taco Friday is in "full effect" and is going to make you drink muchos bourbons.

Don't bother coming if you aren't going to drink muchos bourbon unless you have a note from your doctor.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Taco Friday for Friday, October 22nd


Think of the best moments your life has to offer. Think of the times where the glory surged in you and you were singular in that moment, content. Think of how the next day, you felt a catharsis like the melting of ice on top of the river, revealing in small holes the rushing, thoughtless, steel flow. There is indeed a greatness in the world, and you amongst the rabble have personal evidence of it.

Now, think of the times that never again float to the surface. Perhaps you ate a microwaved burrito and watched Two and a Half Men. Maybe you returned a phone call to a friend you dislike in order to avoid appearing unpersonable. When you got home from work and ate some leftovers, then took a nap until 8:30 pm. Though you can't remember these insignificant minutes and hours, you know that that they must have occurred. Whatever the case may be, these are moments not to be considered good. They are, at best, neutral events and at worst are wastes of the small ticks of the one-handed clock that is your life; it only goes around once.

Taco Friday is shining salvation in a sea of wasted time and steps to the grave. Today, right now, you are being presented with the gift of memory and value. Rejection is tantamount to acceptance of failure, normalcy, and loss. Do the right thing.

Also R.S.V.P.S.V.P. ok?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"... I will show you fear in a handful of [tacos]." - T.S. Elliot

Thank you for drinking my booze, eating my tacos, and making my place a stinky mess. My feelings always fluctuate between madness and joy when I see what the hell happened in my kitchen. A chair surrounded by hair. A bloody rag. Whipped cream everywhere. Beers bottles enough to make the homeless salivate. Pokémon everywhere. Somewhere amongst the detritus is the corpse of a good night, but I need to find it before it rots.

As a WAY HEADS UP, there will be a Taco Friday next week on Friday, October 22nd. If you're going to ever attend one T.F. LET THIS BE IT. Out-of-towner and former/current legend D.J. Darlin' Darwin will be here and it will be horrible. It will be so bad and you can't ever say no. Keep that in mind, okay? It will be, as in the new vernacular, "epic."

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Aw yeah. In case the previous post was not obvious, tomorrow is indeed a...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Phantom Of The Taco

Taco Friday for Friday, October 12


Thank you for watching that in its entirety before moving on to the next paragraph. Listen, I don't like you any more than you like me, but it's time we put our differences aside so that, finally, we can have ONE FAMILY THANKSGIVING WITHOUT A BLACK EYE. God. I really do hate your brother-in-law. Have I ever told you that? Ugh. The guy looks like Pirates of the Caribbean meets Two and a Half Men. Gives me the willies.

How about we throw Thanksgiving at our place this year? It'll be so much easier. No traveling, no packing, and everyone has to feel obliged to you. Just make your famous Taco Turkey (a pile of tacos from Taco Bell, affixed with bobby pins to look like a turkey) and everyone will line up at the door for a chance at the drumstick ha ha ha it doesn't have a drumstick; it's made of tacos.

What do you say? The kids will LOVE IT.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Again Taco Friday morning. Grey sun offer no warmth. No breath of life. All bird sound like cement pulling by dog on chain. Why dog leash attach cement? Who so cruel? Cruel, cruel teens. This bullshit only happen in New York. City never sleeps? Horrible acts always happen. Teen puke on car, car hit teen. Teen mistakes so banal they happen but always terrible. Sane person gets out of city goes to suburbs, no loud teen pukes in night. Birds sound like birds, no dog torture. Become old, die.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Taco Friday for Friday, September 24th


How many times can you be badly hurt by something and still trust it? Come to Taco Friday and find out. Same taco time, same taco place (STTSTP). This is (except for the above cat mania) a space-filler and an announcement. A "real" Taco Friday post will follow. As always, RSVP at the last second so it doesn't in any way influence my shopping decisions.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Like Macbeth

Taco Friday for Friday, September 10th

Feat. Dubb T. Snacks

IT'S A DAY IN THE AUTUMN, and we can celebrate in a general and unfocused way that, when the blinds are pulled on the windows, is indistinguishable from the summer, winter, and spring.

What makes this Taco Friday special? I have a secret for everyone (this secret is Actual, and is not a grab bag with only cat food, not anymore). You will have to drink this secret, it's important. Do not disappoint me, you know that I can't handle disappointment.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

If the glory can be killed, we are lost

I'm going to break with the usual pace and reflect on last night's "epic" Taco Friday. I hesitate to use that word, but on reflection we did sack Troy and murder Paris. Songs will be written about the Taco Friday of 8/27/2010 (never forget), and the events will become distorted and larger with every telling and every generation. Did T.N. truly drink ten bottles of scotch, then become frustrated because he couldn't feel "a single damned thing"? Did D.M. truly punch a dog so hard that it spoke in our language and asked for mercy? There will be no way of knowing, and our children and their children will speak of the night with giddy, bright eyes when adults are out of earshot.

Thanks for coming, folks. This is what Taco Friday is supposed to be like, or at least what I anticipate every weekend. I hope our dearly departed friends will take this one with them, a FIRE IN THEIR HEARTS WHICH WARMS EVEN THE COLDEST NORTHERN REACHES. I leave you with a passage by the great American author, John Steinbeck.

Sometimes a kind of glory lights up the mind of a man. It happens to nearly everyone. You can feel it growing or preparing like a fuse burning toward dynamite. It is a feeling in the stomach, a delight of the nerves, of the forearms. The skin tastes the air, and every deep-drawn breath is sweet. Its beginning has the pleasure of a great stretching yawn; it flashes in the brain and whole world glows outside your eyes. A man may have lived all of his life in the gray, and the land and trees of him dark and somber. The events, even the important ones, may have trooped by faceless and pale. And then - the glory - so that a cricket song sweetens his ears, the smell of the earth rises chanting to his nose, and dappling light under a tree blesses his eyes. Then a man pours outward, a torrent of him, and yet he is not diminished. And I guess a man's importance in the world can be measured by the quality and number of his glories. It is a lonely thing but it relates us to the world. It is the mother of all creativeness, and it sets each man separate from all other men.

I don't know how it will be in the years to come. There are monstrous changes taking place in the world, forces shaping a future whose face we do not know. Some of these forces seem evil to us, perhaps not in themselves but because their tendency is to eliminate other things we hold good. It is true that two men can lift a bigger stone than one man. A group can build automobiles quicker and better than one man, and bread from a huge factory is cheaper and more uniform. When our food and clothing and housing all are born in the complication of mass production, mass method is bound to get into our thinking and to eliminate all other thinking. In our time mass or collective production has entered our economics, our politics, and even our religion, so that some nations have substituted the idea collective for the idea God. This in my time is the danger. There is great tension in the world, tension toward a breaking point, and men are unhappy and confused.

At such a time it seems natural and good to me to ask myself these questions. What do I believe in? What must I fight for and what must I fight against?

Our species is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of a man. Nothing was ever created by two men. There are no good collaborations, whether in music, in art, in poetry, in mathematics, in philosophy. Once the miracle of creation has taken place, the group can build and extend it, but the group never invents anything. The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a man.

And now the forces marshaled around the concept of the group have declared a war of extermination on the preciousness, the mind of man. By disparagement, by starvation, by repressions, forced direction, and the stunning hammerblows of conditioning, the free roving mind is being pursued, roped, blunted, drugged. It is a sad suicidal course our species seems to have taken.

And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual. This is what I am and what I am about. I can understand why a system built on a pattern must try to destroy the free mind, for that is one thing which can by inspection destroy such a system. Surely I can understand this, and I hate it and I will fight against it to preserve the one thing that separates us from the uncreative beasts. If the glory can be killed, we are lost.

- John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Sunday, August 22, 2010

how did you "no"

Taco Friday for Friday, August 28th

I'm very sorry to say that I have bad news. In very short time, we will be losing several dear, dear friends to what amounts to death: expatriation. Though their shifting bodies will move their mouths, alien syllables will pour out in a meaningless torrent. Their dull eyes will look but not focus, like the pale shimmer of those of fish. They will eat slightly different fried potato dishes, potentially with a different fatty topping, and call them stupid names. Ugh.

While there is never any sort of hope (Ever - ed.), we can offer solace! And whiskey and yelling, tacos and camaraderie. Come join the soon-to-be dearly departed in one last stand of what you've hopefully come to enjoy, Taco Friday. Same taco time, same taco place. I will break step and ask that a few people bring a small dish to pass so that there will be constant rejoicing. Also bring some beers and tell me if you want a particular mixed drink.

This is going to be big, guys. Rarely do the dead get to enjoy their own funeral. Here's something to wet your palate.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010




Monday, July 26, 2010

Into the Heart of Tacos

Taco Friday for Friday, July 30th

how did this get here i am not good with computer

WELCOME BACK. It's been too long, friend(s). I crave your company like I crave electrocution and punches (ie, completely). You are hereby cordially invited to spend the evening with me, Asmod "The Miracle" Taco, as well as my merry band of Tacitos.

You know what? The above is the third attempt at an opening paragraph so it's just going to stay DESPITE MISGIVINGS. Taco Friday has been out of commission for two weeks and I'm craving a Taco Friday, so much so that you're getting a four day advance notice. I don't want some sort of limp dick shit, alright? I want you, my friends, to drink bourbon at my expense and contradict me and each other at increasingly high volumes. That's... that's what you want, right? I have no idea.

Let's summarize:
  1. Tacos
  2. Electrocution
  3. No limp dick shit

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Just a friendly note that there will, again, sadly be no Taco Friday this week. A month without Taco Fridays is like equivalent to losing a mother (in International Sorrow Units, ISUs), so I can only imagine what it's like for you. There's all the consolation I can muster.

The good stuff happens at 1:09 and 2:10.

Friday, July 16, 2010

leave my butt alone!

For clarity: the last poSt was Not some sOrt of confusing, extremeLy puzzling notice of a Taco FridAy. This week: no Taco Friday. There is no secret message in this post. Do not try to decode it, okay people? RelaX.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

And nothing happened.

I present to you a series of images from the Taco Friday "special" archive. Feel free to contemplate them.

Individually profound, each image builds upon the last to create a sort of visual minor chord, pleasing but sad.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I try to keep it that way

Taco Friday for Friday, July 9th


There is going to be a previously unmentioned Taco Friday tomorrow. Guys I'm so sorry that this keeps happening but because of Factors, we have to make Decisions.

I'm not going to lie; it's going to be hot as balls in my apartment tomorrow and I don't have A/C. Punching (consensual only) has been scientifically proven to reduce local entropy, which is realized in reduced temperatures and increased terror. Whiskey and cold, cold wine will be present, featuring old friends and new fears.

(This Taco Friday breaks the rules. -T.N.)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Taco Friday Grab Bag

Taco Friday for Friday, July 2nd

Here at Taco Friday, we receive a lot of correspondence. We'll take this opportunity to answer some of the many questions that come in on a weekly basis. We wish we could answer each one personally, but there are just so many! Please don't let that stop you; we love to hear feedback of any sort.
Why does Adam's pee smell like an elephant pen at the zoo? It's grassy and clean to the extent of piquing curiosity, but ultimately nauseating. -T.N. of Somerville
Thanks, T.N. This smell is caused by a surprisingly large number of urinary tract infections, not diet as many believe. The vast majority of these infections are symbiotic with the others, resulting in a sort of miniature ecosystem in Adam's bladder and urethra. The net result is not especially deleterious, but very strongly scented.
If I was punched at Taco Friday, could I be pregnant? -B.H. of Arlington
Not just could be, B.H., but definitely are! I would recommend giving up alcohol and buying a pair of knitting needles, some yarn, and keeping your fingers busy before the little one arrives. Congratulations.
Will there be a Taco Friday this week? My life is a fucked apart dead thing when I'm not having fun. -Y.T.D. of Somerville
YOU GOT IT, Y.T.D. Taco Friday kicks back off this Friday at the same taco time, same taco place as you've grown to love/tolerate. As always, R.S.V.P. so I know what the hell I'm doing with my life.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Taco Friday hat trick, feat.Jay Pyle

Taco Friday for Friday, June 18th

Word on the street is that your friend and mine, Jay Pyle, will be hosting the last true Taco Friday of the spring (This has been confirmed - ed.). For those of you who may not have met the man, let me give you a questionnaire to determine if Jay Pyle is right for you.
  • Do you enjoy tall men?
  • Are you between the ages of 18-35 and have a family history of Parkinson's disease?
  • Have you ever killed a rodent or teenager in anger, in jest, or by accident?
  • Do you enjoy, or are you willing to experiment with, hugs from behind?
If you answered "yes" to at least two of these statements, then all aboard! Jay Pyle should not be handled by pregnant women or women who may become pregnant. Jay Pyle lives at 135 Central St., Apt. #5 in Somerville. In case of emergency or questions, he can be reached via the internet. I recommend that you RSVP directly to Jay, though the Taco Friday Customer Service Team remains perpetually at your service, "a mighty servant who never sleeps."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

death is my mother, fear is my father

Taco Friday for Friday, June 11th


We are in for a double-header; tacos on Friday, AND THEN tacos on Friday. This is to celebrate the arrival of summer and also the departure of grody, grody spring. Things that were horrible about spring: rainpocalyse, the death-blow dealt to the FTC, etc.

It's time for more tacos. Last Friday was a return to yelling and talking about my dick; let's keep a good thing going. Themes are a thing of the past; Taco Friday returns to form. Semi-colons are a return to letting you know that I went to college. Come to this thing, guys.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I try to keep this tacoblog as business-oriented as possible, but because of the gravity of the event I am going to break cadence and post some personal news. It is with great sadness that I inform you that my Transit Connect was struck by the act of a foul god. Its fate hangs in the balance of presumably skilled, presumably union auto mechanics.

Hearts and minds, folks. Hearts and minds.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If you have horses, hold onto them RIGHT NOW

Taco Friday for Friday, June 4th

Yeah I said it. HOLD 'EM.

Guys it's Wednesday and I am telling you about a Friday Taco Friday. I know it's late and I know I'm disappointing you. Guys I know. Allow me to assuage your disappointment, if ever so slightly.

I feel that we've somehow lost the true meaning of Taco Friday in the rush of everyday life. Yes, we don't always get as much sleep as we'd like and sometimes we stop and get fast food instead of a proper meal. We all do it and we chalk these little transgressions up to one-time-only decisions, minor stop signs and traffic signals on the road to a better life. Taco Friday sits itself in the passenger seat, glaring sideways at you and your sinful choices. Whatever it is that you disdain, yet permit, is horrible and anathema. By way of metaphor, think of permitting yourself to fart in a jar, once a week. After a month, you may not even notice the microscopic, aerosol filth particles that coat the jar. After a lifetime, however, your jar technically puts you outside of the protections granted by the the Geneva Convention. This is the most perfect metaphor.

To apply this clownwreck to your everyday life, Taco Friday is the most actual form of entertainment and comradery that exists. Whatever else you decide to do will only, in the long run, fill up your jar with e. coli and waste. Come to this goddamned taco party and drink some goddamned whiskey.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the killer will behead the child/like taking a bite out of an ice cream cone

Taco Friday for Friday, May 21st

people are not good to each other.
perhaps if they were,
our deaths would not be so sad.

WE DOIN' THIS. Taco Friday is back in action, no themes to slow us down. We will yell at each other, electrocute each other when arguments cannot be resolved via yelling, and punch me when that too fails. Taco Friday is exactly like the comic book hero Batman.

FOLKS I ain't got much to prove but I ain't got much to be proud of. Come to this taco celebration and I will promise that I will do my best to do what I think is best to make you have the best time.

As always, tell me if you are coming because I have no goddamned clue about anything.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Gorilla Until Proven Human"

"Gorilla Until Proven Human" proved to be one of the most difficult and frustrating party concepts in a while. The name sums it up pretty well: only those who can prove that they are human are recognized as such, while those who either have not or can not prove their humanity are assumed to be gorillas. This idea is taken in whole cloth from the "innocent until proven guilty" precept of the criminal justice system of the United States.

Criteria for one's humanity was not chosen before the party began. A small oversight, but it turns out that this is a tremendously complex qualification with many equally legitimate points of view. In short, what is gorilla to one may be human to another, and vice versa. Small ontological eruptions broke out very quickly; whiskey only fanned these sparks into a roaring flame.

Additionally, there was an unexpected psychological angle that was not even considered until a few folks who did not meet the qualifications for "human" decided that, since they were deemed to be gorillas, they would act as gorillas. Humorous, to be sure, but this caused a schism in the room between confirmed gorillas and confirmed humans. By coincidence or some unknown "gorilla factor," the known-gorillas were possessed of greater-than-average strength and cruelty. The known-humans were subjected to surprise "jungle locks" (simply a choke hold) throughout the night, and every unwatched drink belonging to a human immediately went missing. The hosts eventually instituted a "no grabbing" rule, but many drinks were still compromised in anger.

As the party went into the early morning, an epistemological shock wave moved through the crowd; only humans have the high-level intellect to determine human from non-human! No humans existed at the beginning of the party, according to the premise, "Gorilla Until Proven Human." Therefore, if there are no humans present to do the judging, no judgments could be made. All human/gorilla judgments made earlier in the night were thus invalidated; all present were gorillas. A few who were previously determined to be humans tried in vain to keep their title but were quickly browbeaten by the massive gorilla contingent. It got sad fast. Everyone left feeling worse than they came.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Hey guys hey guys, I re-read what I wrote and I neglected to tell you that you are greatly encouraged to bring unique Manhattan ingredients. Special oranges? Pickled pickles? Who knows.

Who knows.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Taco Friday: The Manhattan Project

Taco Friday for Friday, May 7th

WHO COULD BE SO LUCKY, a themed Taco Friday is here this week! A real theme. I didn't even have much fun at "Gorilla Until Proven Human," either. This theme, "The Manhattan Project," celebrates both the classy, classy drink and one of the most monumental feat of engineering which, through its parents - the corpus of scientific knowledge of humanity and three years of intense international efforts - gave birth to the Trinity bomb, a twenty kiloton baby of explosive death which came screaming into our world on 16 July 1945 at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico.

Despite my strong desire I will not require everyone to read The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes; I will still require your very personal efforts, though. Instead of colluding to create an atrocity, you will try your durndest to make the best damned Manhattan possible. Your research team? Classic Manhattan recipes. Your laboratory? All of the traditional ingredients and garnishes, plus maybe some funny ones (GOAT DICKS). There can only be one winner, but there can be many drunk drunk people. The recipe for the best Manhattan will be recorded and dubbed "The Taco Friday Manhattan."

Prizes to anyone who dresses as a scientist; double prizes for anyone who dresses as a particular scientist.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

there shall be no peace in the world so long as the angel resists me

Let us, friends, revisit the most recent Taco Fridays. I have fulfilled one of my many obligations and have brought you documentation of our mistakes. Pardon me, your mistakes. I ain't make none.

Just doin' a thing is all. I hope you happy and dry.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


As we have said before, here at Taco Friday we are committed to bringing you the best, every time. There will be no Taco Friday this week, but instead, please enjoy a selection from my personal Goofus and Gallant fanfic archive.

"Good Salesmanship" - Goofus captures rats and sells them to younger children as "puppies." Gallant only sells real puppies, at affordable prices.

"Respect for Family" -
Gallant helps his mother with the chores. Goofus sneaks out at night to shove beef suet into the tailpipes of neighborhood cars.

"Keeping Ahead of the Class" -
Gallant hands in his homework on time. Goofus only raises his hand in class to speak when he feels that flatulence is coming on. He does not stop talking when he begins to pass gas.

"Your Body is Your Temple" -
Gallant stays in bed when he is ill, so that he will get better quickly. Goofus reads medical texts, and then fakes potentially fatal ailments with eerie accuracy.

Taco Friday resumes in several weeks, on Friday, May 7th. Have an idea for Taco Friday? Please do tell. I've gotten bored of typical human interaction and am willing to ... experiment.

Friday, April 16, 2010

boombastic/inelastic/made of plastic/starts to fade but then goes faster

Taco Friday for Friday, APE-ril 16th

Taco Friday is today, my droogs. Since no one has RSVPed, I can only assume that it will just be me, sitting here, eating ten peoples worth of tacos and bourbon, yelling at myself and simultaneously making fun of and promoting my own penis. It's going to be a complicated affair.

JUST KIDDING, KIND OF. If you plan on coming, let me know sort of soon or else I swear to all dead gods that I will gut you just like a scared pig.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

a fox shits copper

I'm not going to beat around the bush, people. I've got an announcement. Sit down if you're not already.

I'm sure you're familiar with the Clap-o-meter, if not by name. You may not know that Taco Friday also has a Clap-o-meter of sorts, except that it doesn't measure applause. This peculiar device determines the amount of fun had at one of our functions by the difference in the amount of whiskey in the bottle at the beginning of the night versus the amount the next morning. By overwhelming consensus as determined by this "bourbometer" (bur-BAHM-et-er) there will be back-to-back Taco Fridays. The week of April 12th features a Taco Friday at the same taco place and time, and goddamnit, we are going to have fun.

This post serves as a sort of placeholder. More information/uninhibited sass will follow later in the week.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tacos Risen

Taco Friday for Friday, April 9th

Last Taco Friday was such a complete success/mess that it's taken me this long to get back into the throne in which I sit to write these dispatches. Thanks to everyone who came, especially the new folks. This throne, by the way, is not a metaphor. Ask Me About My Throne; No, It's Not My Toilet.

This complete exhaustion that sometimes follows Taco Friday reminds me that my friends and companions are like leeches that drain the little precious vitality that I have. You, reader, are like a parasite of the best sort. The liquor that we drink is my blood, which you somehow digest into friendship. If we follow this analogy to its logical conclusion, you use the friendship that you draw from me to spawn your fiendish vampire worm offspring. No, I'm not deleting this paragraph; we're just going to play it fast and loose.

If it's not clear from this, I am inviting you to a Taco Friday this week. This week's affair will be more like the days of yore. Not quite like the days of yore, but basically this means that T.F. will be slightly less elaborate than the more recent days. I'm going to make you tacos, and then, I am going to drink so much that I lie through my liar's teeth. Sorry, or, you're welcome.

Please let me know what up.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

be the trouble you want to see in the world

Taco Friday for Friday, March 26th.

Who's got two thumbs and is hosting an ostensibly taco-themed party? This guy (me). As previously mentioned, Taco Friday is back in gear and ready to roll. It's been too long. I hope you haven't forgotten me. Do... do you remember me? My name is Adam, and I wear a beard and also my heart on my sleeve.

There will be no theme, but there will be dessert and also a secret surprise. Anyone who writes a short (two to three paragraphs) essay about Taco Friday will win a prize. Anyone who brings pictures of their parakeet will win a different, smaller prize. My hosses, I can't wait.

As always, the Taco Friday Customer Support Team is available at taco.friday.inquiries@gmail.com.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again. Please write that down."

Weeks without tacos; who could imagine this fate? Moreover, who could survive? This is what it must feel like for a father to fail his children, or maybe for a father goose to fail his goslings. I have no way of knowing in either case.

There are still twelve horrible days before Friday, March 26th, the next celebration that brings us together. This will be a grand time with a grand menu, enough to make up for three weeks of personal failings. Let's all consider what we've accomplished in Taco Friday, and how we've been bettered or worsed (read: wurst, or sausaged). What have you gained from Taco Friday? Have you gotten hit? Hit on? Did you meet your spouse or spouse-to-be? Did you rage, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? I want to know.

Your personal essay task: What Does Taco Friday Mean To You? My video response:

I'm just going to leave this here

Congratulations, Whitesnakes and Melody.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Camel's Back

Guys I'm so sorry.

For the next three Fridays, I will be out of state and therefore unable to host a Taco Friday. I will not be able to yell or even glare at you through hazy eyes. This is completely unavoidable and a shame beyond shame. Your consolation prize is this, a complete triumph of the human pigeon spirit.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

this is a _thing_

The Taco Friday management is pleased to deliver a special message on behalf of the Taco Friday team:

On this upcoming Taco Friday on Friday, February 26th, will be hosted by none other than your friend and mine, Jay Pyle. These "away games" are indeed very special. I get to drink as much as I want to, without worrying about becoming so intoxicated that I can't stop guests from stealing my copper wiring. The fear of drinking so much that I can't maintain an erection, however, is legitimate and persists.

According to inside sources, fish tacos will be served and Blade Runner will be screened. Jay can be located at 135 Central St., #5 in Somerville. Questions? Send 'em here. General Taco Friday inquiries can be directed to the Taco Friday Customer Service Email Node. We Care About You.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

One more as we round the bend

This is the wise wantonness and benevolence of my soul: it does not hide its winter and frosty storms; neither does it hide its chilblains.

Let them pity me and sigh with me over my chilblains: 'He will yet freeze to death on the ice of knowledge!' — so they wail.

In the meanwhile, I run with warm feet hither and thither upon my mountain of olives: in the sunny corner of my mount of olives do I sing and mock all pity.

Thus sang Zarathustra.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, "On the Mount of Olives"

I remind you that I have no idea if you are reading this. Kindly tell me if you may be attending or else maybe, horror of horrors, there are not enough tacos. Always enough bourbon, though.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

do i make mistakes in my sleep

Taco Friday: Friday, February 19th

Fully caffeinated, we're back in the saddle. Taco Friday is coming up, and you are warned a full six days in advance. I would usually use this opportunity to describe the next Taco Friday theme, but alas, there is none this week. Just regular nonsense, fueled with the boredom of the past five days and also whiskey.

For those of you who are new to Taco Friday, I am not going to spoil the fun by telling you what the deal is; you've got to find that out on your own. However, I will say that though you may think it so, it is improper to say that the universe is a cruel place; cruelty implies intention. Instead, the universe is as vast in scale as it is in meaninglessness. There are two common reactions to this fact. One of them is Taco Friday, and the other is suicide.

Taco Friday offers not only food for the body, but food for the soul.* Also there is whiskey.

* Souls aren't real things.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I feel we're not communicating

Dear the internet,

You make me mad sometimes. It's in the little things, nothing that I can point to specifically, but more an overall trend that is heading in the dead wrong direction.

I'm just worried that we're going to hurt each other in the end. Maybe... maybe it's best that we just take a break. No, no. Not to see other people, but j-just to take some time apart. Think about thi-

See this is exactly what I'm talking about. I try to have a serious conversation and you start this shit out of nowh-

Fine, whatever, I'm out of here. Rent's due on Friday.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Diis Aliter Visum

People, what happened between the hours of 8:00pm and 2:30am last night were the most ideal possible actions. It makes my old, gray heart swell with joy. I don't even have anything sassy to say. Any night where friends consume a bottle of whiskey is a night well spent. I spilled whiskey on my dick.

Stay tuned for more information. Next Friday, February 5th is, go fig, a Taco Friday. None of this themed business, just good ol' fashioned nonsense. A bottle of Ancient Shenanigans may become a regular part of the event.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

If the glory can be killed, we are lost.

My friends, it is time for new things. We are offered a challenge— what is water but mirror, air but returner of our personal cadenza? What is this new decade but an empty thing, waiting to be filled?

"Nature hates a vacuum," and so should you hate the pristine year. Allow me to help you with that and give you a tool to give it a few dings, per se. Ruin its re-sale value.

Taco Friday for Friday, January 29th

WE DOIN' IT. As mentioned in my previous post that you did not read, this next Taco Friday will be themed. My immediate thought for a theme was starting the night by going around the room and having everyone describe their worst heartbreak; I know that no one will take this seriously and I will just get madder and madder. Let's call this "learning our shortcomings." Second thought; GorillaCon2009 went poorly enough, let's not keep that trainwreck going. Finally, an intersection of the two ideas!


You will be tasked with bringing a bottle of something that has a hilarious story associated with it. Maybe a spumante you were drinking when you met the mayor, or a single malt that you stole from your parents' liquor cabinet when you went to see Linkin Park. Feel free to share the drink, but that is not required. Lastly, I am not the Booze Memory Nazi, but jesus, man, don't just bring a can of PBR and say that you got a quick HJ on the sly while drinking PBR unless it was an especially notable HJ. You get the idea.

P.S. R.S.V.P.S.V.P.